Comparing OAuth and JWT - Which One to Use

October 22, 2022

Comparing OAuth and JWT: Which One to Use

As cloud orchestration becomes more common, the need for secure authentication methods grows. Two popular methods are OAuth and JWT. But which one is better? This post compares the two and provides an unbiased overview to help you make an informed decision.

OAuth: The Basics

OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open-standard protocol used to authorize access to third-party applications. It allows a user to grant access to their resources (like photos or contacts) to another application without revealing their password. Instead, the user logs in via OAuth and receives a unique token to use with the third-party app.


  • Easier to implement than JWT
  • Can allow access to non-public data without sharing credentials


  • Can be less secure than JWT if implemented incorrectly
  • Requires a separate server to handle authentication requests
  • Token expiration can lead to user experience issues

JWT: The Basics

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a standard for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. In cloud orchestration, they're often used as an authentication mechanism, allowing a user to sign in and receive a unique token. Unlike OAuth, the token is self-contained and includes all necessary information to authenticate the user.


  • More secure than OAuth, as the token is signed and encrypted
  • No need for a separate server to handle authentication requests
  • Customizable payloads can be included in the token for additional security measures


  • Harder to implement than OAuth
  • Tokens can become unwieldy if too much information is included

Which One to Use?

The decision of which method to use ultimately depends on your specific use case. If your application requires access to non-public data, OAuth may be the better choice. On the other hand, if security is your top priority, use JWT.

However, there are other factors to consider, such as ease of implementation and scalability. For smaller applications, OAuth may be the simpler choice, while JWT may be better for larger systems that require more customization.

Ultimately, it's a balancing act between security, usability, and ease of implementation. Before making a decision, carefully weigh the pros and cons of each method and choose the one that best fits your needs.


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